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Complete Candida Yeast Guidebook

Complete Candida Yeast Guidebook Revised 2nd Edition

by Jeanne Marie Martin with Dr. Zoltan Rona M.D.

Is Candida Yeast Ruining Your Good Health?

Includes important help for overcoming:

  • Frequent headaches
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Digestive problems
  • Weight problems
  • Depression
  • Yeast Infections
  • PMS
  • Anxiety
  • Allergies
  Have you been told your health problems are all in your head?  Do you suffer from low energy, depression, digestive problems, and/or excessive skin irritation?  If so, you may have an overgrowth of a common yeast, Candida albicans. Fueled by everything from diet to medication to environmental factors, this hidden epidemic affects as many as 90 percent of Americans and Canadians—men, women, and children alike.

Now there are effective alternatives to your suffering. This eye-opening guide will help you conquer Candida and achieve optimal mental, physical, and emotional health.

Inside, you will discover:

  • Holistic, natural, herbal, and vitamin supplements that combat Candida Yeast
  • Innovative tips for improving your lifestyle and maintaining a healthy mind and body
  • Wholesome diet and menu options that taste delicious
  • New medical and nutritional guidelines for asthma, cancer, diabetes, and more

"This comprehensive book will help the countless number of people who have searched in vain for answers." —William G. Crook, M.D., author, The Yeast Connection Handbook

"Jeanne Marie Martin and Zoltan Rona, M.D., do a marvelous job of making a complex health concern understandable and preventable." —Ann Louise Gittleman, M.S., C.N.S., author, The Living Beauty Detox Program

"The most comprehensive book on Candida ever written." —From the foreword by Carolyn DeMarco, M.D.

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The information in this communication has not been evaluated by Health Canada nor the FDA and is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. This information is not intended as a substitute for the advice or medical care of a qualified health care professional and you should seek the advice of your health care professional before undertaking any dietary or lifestyle changes. The material provided in this communication is for educational purposes only. Every effort is made to ensure this information is accurate and as up to date as possible.

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